How to Greet someone in French ?

Basic French Greetings Exercices

One of the very first things you need to know when learning French is the basic French greetings. How do you say hello and introduce yourself in French?


  • Bonjour
  • Bonsoir
  • Au revoir
  • Bonne journée
  • Bon après-midi
  • Bonne soirée
  • Bonne nuit

After greeting someone, you may wish to continue the conversation. There are two questions you will usually ask.

"How are you?" in French

There are two ways to ask this question; your choice will depend on whether it is a formal or informal situation.

Formal way:

Question: "Comment allez-vous?"

Answer: "Je vais bien, merci" (I am good, thank you)

Informal way:

Question: "Comment ça va?"

Answer: "ça va bien, merci." (Good, thanks)

"What's your name?" in French

Next, you might ask the person’s name, if you do not know him or her.


"Comment tu t'appelles?" (informal)

"Comment vous vous appelez?" (formal)


Answer: "Je m'appelle (your name), et toi?" ("et toi" means "and you")


Now, let's practice your pronunciation. 

Bonjour = Hello

Bonsoir = Good evening

Au revoir = Goodbye

Bonne nuit = Good evening

Formal situation (senior, policeman, judge, etc.)

Comment allez-vous? (How are you?)

Bien, merci. (Good, thank you.)

Et vous? (And you?)

Très bien, merci. (Very well, thank you.)

Informal situation (friends and family) 

Salut, Mathieu ca va? (Hi, Mathieu, how are you?)

Ça va bien. Et toi ?  (I am good, and you?)

Pas mal. (Means, “Not bad,” but in French it has a positive meaning.)

Au revoir ! (See you again!)

A demain! (See you tomorrow!

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