[Grammar] Nouns Gender + Plural


In French, nouns can be masculine (masculins) or feminine (feminins). This is what we call gender. We can sometimes recognise a noun’s gender by its ending, but the only way to be sure is to always learn nouns together with their article (le/un or la/une). A French dictionary will be very useful.

Examples: le marteau (hammer), le chien (dog), le tableau (board), le travail (work), l'arbre  (tree)(masculine)la femme(woman), la danseuse (dancer), la chaise (chair), la cuisine(kitchen), la France (feminine).

Singular and plural French nouns

In French, nouns can be singular (singulier) or plural (pluriel) depending on whether it refers to one thing or more. The plural is generally formed by adding -s to the masculine singular form of the noun, but there are many exceptions to this rule.

Examples: J’ai mangé des pommes à midi. (regular plural)
Marie a crée des bijoux très originaux. (irregular plural: bijou → bijoux)

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